My running friend, Linda, and I have been running & training together with Runner's World since January, where we started with an incredible group of newbies, who I now consider a great group of friends. She and I ran the OKC 1/2 Marathon together and now we are in the midst of training for the Route 66 Marathon. Together we tackled the 14 and so miles. This was our furthest run, to date.
Now I cannot speak for Linda, but for me, I have found myself somewhat infatuated with running, that includes the process & the training that we have purposely chosen to undertake in this vision-quest to run our first marathon.
I mean when you sit and think about it, "Who in their right mind, looks forward to awakening early Saturday mornings, to lace up their running shoes, so to hit the trails, and run loops around Riverside?" Especially, if you have been like me, suffering from extreme allergies the last few days. But that isn't my question any longer, my question is, "Who in their right mind, would not want to be out running on Saturday mornings?"
It just was a great day! Special props to Ed & Bobby, kicking out your 14 and so miles. And no, we did not toss Jennifer over the bridge...although we are still wondering what part of the trail we lost her on. Take heart though, we did leave a trail of shot blocks along the way, so she could find her way back to Veteran's Park. Props to Cheryl...7 miles, you go girl!